Picking Raspberries, acrylic on linen, 24” x 12”, $1400
Opal Spider and Her Web, acrylic on linen, 12” x 10”, $425
Inside a Gemstone, acrylic on linen, 24” x 12”, $1400
Shadow Rug, acrylic on canvas with walnut frame, 36” x 36”, $3000
view showing walnut frame
River Dancers, acrylic on canvas with walnut frame, 36” x 36”, $3000
New Painting! Untitled so far…, acrylic on linen, 30" x 45”, $3100
New Painting! Untitled so far…, acrylic on linen, 24" x 30”, $2000
Seward Park Stained Glass, diptych, acrylic on canvas, 22" x 56”, $2700
The one on the left.. the pink garden scene :), acrylic on linen in wood frame, 16” diameter, $500
Kubota Garden, acrylic on canvas, 16” diameter, $500