I often wonder with whom or what I'm having a conversation in my interior world. Investigating conversations between the seen and unseen is integral to my work. Since 2022, I have been wrapping my canvas paintings around conical forms of various sizes and arranging them in hourglass-shaped configurations in order to support my exploration of themes such as communication with non-physical, intuition and celestial vs. terrestrial. These most recent diptychs continue this questioning and at their core are an exploration of belonging and more specifically, belonging to nature.

I dance around while I'm working and use my body to inform the shapes I create and then paint. I'm currently calling those shapes, wings. They're lyrical, suggesting dancers or flower petals and as diptychs, they communicate with each other, like I communicate with the parts that are inside me. I make these wall mounted diptych sculptures using canvas, acrylic paint, fabric stiffener and plaster.

Somatic Daisies, 32” x 24”, Acrylic on canvas and plaster

Somatic Daisies side view, 32” x 24”, Acrylic on canvas and plaster

Wheelbarrow Nebula, 32” x 20”, Acrylic on canvas and plaster

Spider Peak, 34” x 18”, Acrylic on canvas and plaster

Abalone Orion Nebula, 24” x 16”, Acrylic on canvas and plaster

Apple Tree Canopy, 24” x 14”, Acrylic on canvas and plaster